Important Information
If your child was born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021
Your child will start school in 2025/2026
It is the responsibility of parents to ensure that they apply for a school place for their children when entering Reception for the first time.
Applications are invited every Autumn term (mid-September to early October)
To apply for a school place
Save time apply online:
Closing date for all applications is 15 January 2025. If you have not yet applied for a Reception place, please contact the school for an application form.
Woodhouse West adheres to the Sheffield Pupil Admissions Policy from the Local Authority.
Our current pupil admission number is 60 pupils per year group.
Parents/carers should apply for school places through the Local Authority via Sheffield Council this includes in-year transfers.
Here you will find the Local Authority policy for admissions as well as guidance for parents/carers on the admissions process. This link also provides information on the application process, catchment areas, online application forms, over subscription, admissions policy and appeals.
We encourage prospective parents and pupils to visit our school. Call the school office on (0114) 2692 602 to arrange a suitable time.
In-Year Admissions:
Woodhouse West Primary School participates in the Local Authority’s Coordinated Admission Scheme for in-year admissions.
If a parent of a child on our roll wishes to apply for a transfer to another school, they must obtain a transfer form from the school for completion of Section 2.
The application must then be sent to the Local Authority which will process the application on the parent’s behalf.
The Local Authority will confirm the outcome of the application in writing within 15 school days.
If the application is refused, the Local Authority will advise on the statutory appeal procedure.
Details of the Co-ordinated Admission Scheme and how in-year applications are managed can be seen at
Families new to the city:
If you are new to Sheffield and would like a school place, please call the Pupil Admissions Team on 01142735790 or email
We admit children into our nursery the term after their third birthday. Application forms are available from the school office. Please be aware that a place in our nursery does not guarantee admission into school.
Secondary School:
If you have a child currently in Y6 you will have received an information pack directly from the Sheffield City Council asking you to apply for secondary school.
Closing date for online applications is mid October.
To apply for a secondary school place
Save time apply online:
You will receive your allocation for a secondary school place in Spring term.
Oversubscribed schools and appeals
Appeal your child's school place
You are entitled to appeal for a place at any school which your child has been refused.
In order to have your case considered by an Independent Appeal Panel you must complete a Notice of Appeal Form for each school you wish to appeal for. Your child will remain allocated to the school named in your letter unless they are offered an alternative place from the waiting list or by the appeal panel.
Priority 1 children in care (previously in care)
Pupils who are, or have previously been in care but ceased to be so because they were adopted, became subject to a child arrangement order or a special Guardianship Order immediately following being in care.
Priority 2 catchment area with sibling
Children who normally reside in the defined catchment area who also have a brother or sister at the preferred school at the point of entry will be considered next.
Priority 3 catchment area
Children who normally reside in the defined catchment area of a school.
Priority 4 brother or sisters (siblings) of children refused a place at their Sheffield catchment school
A sibling is defined as a child who permanently or usually lives at the same address as:
- a brother and/or sister (including half brothers/sisters)
- a stepbrother and/or stepsister
- in both cases, will attend the preferred school at point of entry
Priority 5 brothers or sisters (siblings)
A sibling is defined as a child who permanently or usually lives at the same address as:
- a brother and/or sister (including half brothers/sisters)
- a stepbrother and/or stepsister
- in both cases, will attend the preferred school at point of entry
Priority 6 designated feeder school
Attendance at a primary school which is officially designated as a feeder school to a secondary school, but where you live outside the catchment area.
Priority 7 other applications
Any child who does not fit into the above categories will be considered next.
Tie breakers
If the admission number is reached mid-category, there are 2 stages of further consideration carried out within the above outlined categories:
- Where exceptional medical, social or special educational needs are demonstrated and evidenced by a professional.
- If no exceptional circumstances are present; admissions are prioritised by the straight line distance from the centre of the home to the centre of the school building.
Oversubscription criteria for primary school places
The following criteria confirm the priorities for admission into Sheffield community and voluntary controlled schools.
If your enquiry relates to a specific year you will need to see the criteria for that year.
Governing Bodies for voluntary aided and foundation schools are the Admission Authority who establish admission arrangements and allocate school places. Broomhill Infant School is the only foundation school in Sheffield. The school is independent from ourselves and the Governing Body is responsible for setting and applying their own admission criteria.
More information can be found here