The Nursery is open weekdays and term time only. Term dates are always available via our website or from the school office.
Free 30 Hours Nursery Funding
The Government has launched an initiative aimed at supporting working parents. Since September 2017, eligible parents have been able to access 30 hours free nursery funding.
We are delighted to be able to offer this for those parents who meet the eligibility criteria. For more information and to see if you are eligible please visit Alternatively, you can contact the helpline on 0300 123 4097.
15 Hour Funded Early Learning Places
We will still continue to offer the 15 hour Funded Early Learning places. There is no charge for children eligible for Nursery Education Grant (NEF) funding. Funding is available the term after your child turns 3 for up to 15 hours per week.
The Children will attend Nursery for their 15 hours for 5 afternoons or morning sessions.
We may also offer 2½ days. You will also need to provide your child with a packed lunch.