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Year 1

Welcome to Y1!

General Information



Teachers: Miss Stone, Miss Hay and Miss Robinson

Teaching Assistant: Miss Ledger



Children will come to school dressed in their uniform and will bring their PE kit in a labelled bag.


Some PE sessions will take place outside unless there are extreme weather conditions i.e. ice, snow or heavy rain.


Please ensure they have the appropriate kit e.g. jogging bottoms/leggings and a jumper/hoodie.



Home learning menus are given out at the start of every half term highlighting activities and projects the children can complete based on their current topic.


Each half term, children will be encouraged to complete homework from a 'homework menu' from their class teacher. This will be a range of activities relating to their current topic that parents can complete with their children.


Please do share photographs of your children carrying out the tasks by sharing them with the year group's Twitter page. 

Subject Knowledge Organisers


For more information around subject coverage, knowledge and skills, head on over to our Foundation Subjects section on the website which can be found here.

Topics covered:


Autumn 1

Steel City!


Children will be History detectives finding out what is was like to grow up in Sheffield in the past. The children will look at toys from the past, playgames that were played in the playground, order events in chronological order and study the history of Sheffield including old schools. As scientists we will be looking for signs of seasonal changes around our school grounds and the children will be identifying, comparing, classifying and investigating everyday materials.. In technology we will be looking at moving picture books and designing our own moving pictures. The children will carry out an investigation to find out which material would be the most suitable to make a waterproof coat for their class Super Ted!

Knowledge Organisers

Books to enjoy at home!

Autumn 1


You Choose! by Pippa Goodhart

Imagine you could go anywhere, with anyone and do anything. Where would you live? Where would you sleep? Who would be your friends? What games would you play? Go on . . . you choose! 




Children's History of Sheffield by Ann Wright

Have you ever wondered what it would have been like living in Sheffield Castle when Thomas de Furnival was there? What about working in a boiling hot crucible workshop or inventing Sheffield plate? This book will uncover the important and exciting things that happened in your town. With a helpful timeline, fun imaginary accounts, cool old photos of places you ll recognize in Sheffield and amazing top facts and information, you will discover things in Children s History of Sheffield you never knew about your town. Investigate the people and events that have defined your home town: Who were the little mesters? Where was a highwayman hanged in Georgian times? 


That Rabbit Belongs To Emily Brown by Cressida Cowell 

When the Queen steals Emily Brown's favourite toy and erstwhile companion, a toy rabbit called Stanley, Emily sets out to get him back and teach that naughty queen a valuable lesson!



The Lost Property Office by Emily Rand 

`I HOLD ON TO TEDDY'S HAND TIGHTLY' - A little girl and her mummy are visiting Grandpa on the train. It's very busy - hold on tight! But when they arrive at their destination something is wrong . . . teddy has gone missing. Just when it looks like she'll never see Teddy again, Grandpa has an idea! And suddenly the little girl is off on a magical journey to rescue her teddy. Have you ever wondered where your lost objects go?
