School Logo

Year 6

Welcome to Y6!


General Information



Teachers: Mr Shackshaft and Miss Grayson

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Bell (Monday- Wednesday) and Miss Falconer (Wednesday-Friday)



Children will come to school dressed in their uniform and will bring their PE kit in a labelled bag.


Some PE sessions will take place outside unless there are extreme weather conditions i.e. ice, snow or heavy rain.


Please ensure they have the appropriate kit e.g. jogging bottoms/leggings and a jumper/hoodie.



Home learning menus are given out at the start of every half term highlighting activities and projects the children can complete based on their current topic.


Each half term, children will be encouraged to complete homework from a 'homework menu' from their class teacher. This will be a range of activities relating to their current topic that parents can complete with their children.


Please do share photographs of your children carrying out the tasks by sharing them with the year group's Twitter page. 


Topics covered:

Autumn 1

Knowledge Organisers

Books to enjoy at home!


Autumn 1


