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Year 4

Welcome to Y4!


General Information



Teachers: Mr Briggs and Miss Paterson

Teaching Assistants: Miss Johnson and Miss Jones



Children will come to school dressed in their uniform and will bring their PE kit in a labelled bag.


Some PE sessions will take place outside unless there are extreme weather conditions i.e. ice, snow or heavy rain.


Please ensure they have the appropriate kit e.g. jogging bottoms/leggings and a jumper/hoodie.


Home learning menus are given out at the start of every half term highlighting activities and projects the children can complete based on their current topic.


Each half term, children will be encouraged to complete homework from a 'homework menu' from their class teacher. This will be a range of activities relating to their current topic that parents can complete with their children.


Please do share photographs of your children carrying out the tasks by sharing them with the year group's Twitter page. 

Subject Knowledge Organisers


For more information around subject coverage, knowledge and skills, head on over to our Foundation Subjects section on the website which can be found here.

Topics covered:

Autumn 1

Greece Lightning!


We are going to be learning lots of new things. We will be learning all about Ancient Greek life and their influence on the Western world. Also, we will be investigating other civilisations that lived in the same era as the Greeks. We will be identifying the location of Ancient Greece on maps and look at the key human and physical features in Ancient Greece. In Science, we will be exploring what makes living things different before visiting Weston Park to put our knowledge to the test. In Art we will be using the Greeks as inspiration and making wire sculptures of Olympic athletes! In P.E. we will be putting on our dancing shoes are creating a dance routine linked to being stealthy! We cannot wait to get started this year!

Books to enjoy at home!


Autumn 1


Greek Myths by Marcia Williams 

The Greek myths are among the greatest, most exciting stories ever told and feature some of the world's best loved heroes and heroines. In this book, you'll find the stories of Theseus, conqueror of the dreaded Minotaur; the mighty Heracles and his twelve tasks; the tragic lovers Orpheus and Eurydice; Perseus, the Gorgon-slayer; the musician Arion and his rescue by the dolphins; Pandora and her little box of horrors; the feather-clad fliers Daedalus and Icarus; and the weaving contest between Arachne and the goddess Athene. Each of these tales has been retold with lively text and dramatic cartoon style, making them accessible and fun for young children.


Visitor's Guide to Ancient Greece (Visitor Guides) by Lesley Sims 

This humorous guide to Ancient Greece is crammed with information and advice for time-tourists. Each illustrated page is full of things to see and do, and there’s also quotations from notable Greeks, a glossary of new words, a timeline and more. A book for libraries and schools, with contents and index plus internet links to recommended websites.





Mark of the Cyclops: An Ancient Greek Mystery by Saviour Pirotta 

Young scribe Nico's new friend Thrax has a strange knack for figuring things out. When they travel to wedding with their master, a valuable vase is broken and Thrax's special skills might just come in useful. Can the boys prove that slave girl Gaia is innocent, and discover what the mark of the cyclops means?





Groovy Greeks by Terry Deary

All the most horrible facts about the Groovy Greeks ready for readers to uncover, including:

  • why girls ran about naked pretending to be bears,
  • who had the world's first flushing toilet
  • and why dedicated doctors tasted their patients' ear wax.