Hello Nursery!
We’ve put together some activities for you to do if you are unwell and need to stay at home or just to complete to help you get better at an area you find tricky.
We have made a short list of some of the goals we would want you to achieve before you leave nursery. Remember children achieve these milestones at different times.
Some of you may already have achieved them and can be learning the letters, words and maths in the pdf files below.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development Goals
- I can tell my friends and grown-ups what I need, what I want, what I like to do and if I like or don’t like something.
Speaking and Listening Goals.
- When I am singing rhymes or songs or sharing a story with a grown up, I am able to listen really carefully to what is happening.
- I can use lots of words to tell you about something that I have made or something that I have done.
Reading Goals
- When I am dressing up or using toy people or animals, I use my favourite stories to help me retell or make up my own stories.
- I can tell you lots of words that rhyme with a word like “hat”.
- I can say each of the sounds in a short word like “cat”. When you say each of the sounds like “c-a-t” I can put the sounds together and tell you the word.
Writing Goals
- I can tell you what the marks, shapes, letters and pictures that I make mean.
- I am beginning to use letters in my writing. Sometimes I write the right letter with the sound I make as I say the word.
- I can write my name.
Maths Goals
- I can recognise numbers that are important to me like my age, my flat number or the bus number that I go to nursery on.
- I can touch one thing and say the number name at the same time to help me count up to 3 or 4 things.
- I can tell you which basket or bucket has got “more” or “fewer” things in.
- I am beginning to use shape names like “circle”, “square”, “cube” and “cylinder”.
Physical Development Goals
- I can use one handed tools correctly Eg: hold a pencil correctly, cut with scissors.
- I can move in different ways, climb and catch a large ball.
Understanding the World Goals
- I can talk about special times with my family and friends.
- I observe, talk about and ask questions about the world around us.
- I can operate simple IT equipment.
Expressive Arts and Design Goals
- I can explore colour and music
- I can sing familiar songs and use movement to express my feelings.
Key Skills
Within each year group, there are a collection of key skills that your child needs to know and be confident in discussing and demonstrating throughout their learning. The more practice they have learning these skills, the more confident your child will become, not only at this stage but throughout their time at Woodhouse West.
Please spend time working on these with your child/children. If you feel that they are struggling with these skills look at the previous year group's skills to support any gaps in their learning. Also if they are confident in a specific skill, look at the next year group to see how this skill moves on.