Art & Design
Aspirations for the future!
Pupils develop an understanding of how subjects and specific skills are linked to future jobs.
Here are some of the jobs you could aspire to do in the future as an Artist:
Website developer
Fashion designer
Author and illustrator
For more careers, please visit First Careers.
At Woodhouse West, we aim to develop the following concepts through the progressive teaching of art knowledge, skills and understanding. These concepts are based on the requirements of the National Curriculum Programme of Study for Key Stage One and Key Stage Two.
Pupils theoretical knowledge will be developed through the study of artists and designers, looking at the history of art and how artists have expressed ideas using different materials and processes. As they move through the school, they will build their practical knowledge through the making skills of drawing, painting and mixed media, developing ideas through sketchbooks and applying their knowledge to their artwork. Pupils’ disciplinary knowledge will be developed by studying the work of traditional, modern and contemporary artists, evaluating and commenting on what is valid and of quality.
Art & Design Concepts
- Knowledge of artists and designers (Disciplinary knowledge)
Pupils will develop an understanding of the history of art. They will study how different artists have applied the component knowledge of different materials and processes to communicate ideas and how this has changed over time. Pupils will learn about significant artists, pieces of art work and artistic movements.
- Exploring and developing ideas (Practical knowledge)
Pupils will use their developing knowledge of art to explore their ideas in different ways, including through sketchbooks; becoming more confident in experimenting, creating and refining their work. They will learn to demonstrate fluency, experimentation and authenticity in the art they learn about and produce - Fluency: Pupils learn to recall the component knowledge and to become more proficient in a range of methods and techniques - Experimentation: Pupils develop the knowledge of methods, materials and processes to be able to try out ideas and make informed choices - Authenticity: Pupils develop secure knowledge in the making skills below and learn how to use these to communicate their ideas through art
- Making skills: Drawing, painting, mixed media and 3D (Practical knowledge)
Pupils will learn the practical knowledge they need and learn how to apply this to their own work with increasing proficiency. By building their knowledge of drawing, painting and a wider range of media including sculpture, they will learn about and apply a range of practical knowledge to different projects.
They will develop their knowledge of;
- Methods and techniques, such as shading, printing or collage
- Media and materials, including pencil, pen, paper, wire, clay and paint
- Formal elements of line, tone, shape, colour, form, pattern and texture
- Evaluating (Disciplinary knowledge)
Pupils will look at the work of artists as examples of experts at work, including art from different times and in different forms. They will learn to understand art as a discipline so they can answer questions such as, ‘What is art?’ ‘What counts as art?’ ‘What makes an artist?’ by developing an understanding of what is valid and of quality. They will learn how to evaluate and appreciate how different artists have represented ideas in different ways through different media or periods in art e.g. looking at how different artists have represented the same theme in different ways.
Curriculum Progression- Art
The impact of our curriculum is measured in terms of the extent to which pupils have developed new knowledge, understanding and skills and that they can use and recall this with fluency.
This will be measured by:
- Lesson observations and book looks
- Subject review, feedback and action plans
- Pupil voice – questionnaires, pupil book reviews
- Subject Leader monitoring – Lesson visits, scrutiny of books, assessment, pupil interviews and questionnaires
- ASPIRE Awards
- External reviews