Our EYFS base
General Information
Reception: Miss Atkin and Miss Hogg
Teaching Assistants:
Reception: Miss Turner, Mrs Mayfield and Miss Gregory
Children will come to school dressed in their uniform and will bring their PE kit in a labelled bag.
Some PE sessions will take place outside unless there are extreme weather conditions i.e. ice, snow or heavy rain.
Please ensure they have the appropriate kit e.g. jogging bottoms/leggings and a jumper/hoodie.
Outdoor learning:
Over the Autumn and Spring Term it can get very cold, please ensure your child wears a warm coat, hat and gloves as we will be outdoors everyday.
Home Learning:
Please support your child by reading to them as often as possible. Practising writing their name and ensuring that children can form their letters.
Please do share photographs of your children carrying out home learning tasks or activities with the year group's Twitter page.
Home Learning
Half term:
Spring 2
Musical Me!
The children will embark on an exciting journey as they explore a fantastic variety of musical instruments, including the piano, guitar, violin and drums. They’ll not only listen to the sounds these instruments make but also share their feelings and thoughts about the music. They might even have the opportunity to play some of these instruments too!
We will also venture into the enchanting world of minibeasts this half term, where we will explore the lifecycles of frogs and butterflies. The children will get hands-on experience as they learn about these fascinating creatures. To make it even more fun, we will be creating our very own bug hotel for the minibeast, making sure our little friends have a cozy place to stay! It’s going to be a half term filled with creativity, discovery, and lots of fun!
Knowledge Organisers
Books to enjoy at home:
Spring 2
The Bear and the Piano by David Litchfield
One day, a young bear stumbles upon something he has never seen before in the forest. As time passes, he teaches himself how to play the strange instrument, and eventually the beautiful sounds are heard by a father and son who are picnicking in the woods. The bear goes with them on an incredible journey to New York, where his piano playing makes him a huge star. He has fame, fortune and all the music in the world, but he misses the friends and family he has left behind.
Little Rosetta and the Talking Guitar by Charnelle Pinkney Barlow
"Music is the heart of our story," says Momma to young Rosetta, surprising her with her first guitar. Rosetta's strums sound like ker-plunks. But with practice and determination, she makes music, fingers hopping "like corn in a kettle," notes pouring over the church crowd "like summer rain washing the dust off a new day."
Zin! Zin! Zin! A Violin by Lloyd Moss
When this book begins, the trombone is playing all by itself. But soon a trumpet makes a duet, a french horn a trio, and so on until the entire orchestra is assembled on stage. Written in elegant and rhythmic verse and illustrated with playful and flowing artwork, this unique counting book is the perfect introduction to musical groups.
The Singing Mermaid by Julia Donaldson
Tempted by the promise of fame and fortune, the Singing Mermaid joins a circus. The crowds love her, but the poor mermaid is kept in a tank by the wicked circus owner Sam Sly, and she soon longs to return to the freedom of her ocean home . . .