Year 5
Welcome to Y5!
General Information
Teachers: Mr Baskeyfield, Mrs Marshall and Miss Whitehead
Teaching assistants: Mr Sizer and Mrs Little
Children will come to school dressed in their uniform and will bring their PE kit in a labelled bag.
Some PE sessions will take place outside unless there are extreme weather conditions i.e. ice, snow or heavy rain.
Please ensure they have the appropriate kit e.g. jogging bottoms/leggings and a jumper/hoodie.
Home learning menus are given out at the start of every half term highlighting activities and projects the children can complete based on their current topic.
Each half term, children will be encouraged to complete homework from a 'homework menu' from their class teacher. This will be a range of activities relating to their current topic that parents can complete with their children.
Please do share photographs of your children carrying out the tasks by sharing them with the year group's Twitter page.
Home Learning
Topics covered:
Spring 1
The real ‘Horrid’ Henry
Year 5 will be travelling back in time to 16th century Britain to the Tudor period. As historians, we will look at Henry VIII’s life and reign and how the Tudor era was a time of great change. We will delve into passions and how he ruled with an iron fist to become a ruthless King. As scientists, we will look at a range of materials and their specific properties carrying out a range of scientific observations, tests and hypothesis to determine if they can change. In Design and Technology, we will create book sleeves using a range of stitching techniques.
Subject Knowledge Organisers
For more information around subject coverage, knowledge and skills, head on over to our Foundation Subjects section on the website which can be found here.
Books to enjoy at home!
Spring 1
The Tudors: Kings, Queens, Scribes and Ferrets! by Marcia Williams
Join Marcia Williams on a journey through Tudor times with Arthur Inkblott, Queen Elizbeth I’s favourite scribe and his pet ferret, Smudge. Meet Henry VIII and his six wives, fight the Spanish Armada, see Shakespeare’s plays performed for the very first time and sail around the world with Christopher Columbus!
Tudor England was lifted by trade and exploration, but blighted by treachery and rebellion. Experience the historic highs and the lows firsthand with Eyewitness Tudor. Hold court with Henry VIII and his long-suffering wives before making merry with high society enjoying their feasts and fashion. Walk among the ordinary folk, including market traders and street entertainers, and decide whether you would have liked growing up in Tudor times. If you want a project pick-me-up to assist with school studies or simply a fantastic read about our colourful past, look no further.
The Queen's Fool by Ally Sherrick
Cat Sparrow is on the road. She's following her sister, Meg, who was torn from their convent home and sent to London.
But Cat isn't like other people – she thinks differently – and for a girl like her the world holds many perils.
Luckily she befriends a young actor, Jacques, and together they follow Meg's trail to a wondrous place called the Field of Cloth of Gold. But here, they discover that the kingdoms of England and France are both in terrible danger...
Tudor Tales: The Prince, the Cook and the Cunning King by Terry Deary
King Henry VII is a mean and ruthless king and when a young boy named Lambert Simnel lays claim to the throne, Henry is furious. Lambert is no match for the powerful king - can he escape the extraordinary punishment he faces?